Practical Navigation

GigaMare’s Practical Navigation enables the Deck Cadet and Junior Deck
Officers to apply theoretical knowledge into practice.

0.00 0.0 USD 0.00

PHP 1.00

    This combination does not exist.

    Info: Course duration is as requested. The trainee is guided and mentored in practical methods of bridge watch keeping and safe navigation on board GigaMare’s training boat geared with Furuno navigation equipment. This practical training provides a unique opportunity to apply and hone navigation skills in a very realistic environment.

    Content of the Course

    • Application of Terrestrial and Radar navigation skills
    • Application of MOB procedures
    • Application of COLREG procedures
    • Application of GRM skills

    Course Location

    GigaMare Inc. Subic Bay Freeport Zone; the practical training takes place in Subic Bay port and inner water areas.

    Course Prerequisites

    The trainees should have the basic knowledge in terrestrial navigation, use of radar and COLREG. Preferably, participants should have undergone simulator training in watch keeping practices.

    Course Approval and Certification

    GigaMare Inc.

    Target Groups

    Deck Cadets.


    As requested

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    Practical Navigation

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